- icchā-parimāṇa- voluntary restriction upon the desire for possessions
- īhā- speculation, second step of perception
- ihaloka- this world
- indriyapratyakṣa - direct sensory perception
- īryāpathikībandha- bondage of karma exclusively due to yoga free from passions
- īryāpathikīkriya– instantaneousactivity free from passions
- iryāsamiti- comportment of careful movement
- iṣatprāgbhāra- slightly concave land
- īśvaravāda- Belief system upholding īśvara(God) as the creator and controller of universe
- jarāyuja- born out of foetus with amnion (or the chorion, an enveloping membrane)
- jijīviṣā- longing for survival
- jīva- living being
- jīvāstikāya- conglomeration of living beings
- jñāna- knowledge
- jñānacāra- conduct qua knowledge
- jñānamīmānsā- epistemology
- jñānamoha– delusion qua knowledge
- jñānavadī- believer in knowledge as the utter necessity for liberation
- jñānavaranīya- knowledge obscurant karma
- jñeya- knowable
- jugupsā- a type of no-kasāya, which engenders disgust towards a person or a thing
- kāla- time
- kālikaśruta- the scripture that is to be studied only in the prescribed time
- kalyānaphalavipāka- auspicious results of karma
- kānkṣāmohanīya- (a) view deluding inclination i.e. a mental state of suspicious desire as to whether I should accept this view or reject.
- karaṇānuyoga- a kind ofdravyānuyoga, (ontological exposition) with respect to the essential means that contribute to the transformation of a substance resulting in the creation of its state
- kārmaṇavargaṇā - a group of atomic particles fit for getting transformed into karma
- karmaprakṛti- type of karma, specific nature and variety of karma
- karmavāda- doctrine of karma
- karmodaya- fruition of karma
- kāyagupti- self-control of physical activities
- kāyakleśa- a type of external austerity
- kāyakleśa- a type of external austerity
- kāyasthiti - the period of continuation of stay of a jīva in the same form of life in spite of undergoing the birth and death
- kāyayoga- physical activity of soul
- kevalī/kevalajñānī- omniscients
- kriyā- action
- kriyāvāda(conformist) - the traditions which believe in the real existense of substances like soul etc.
- kṛṣṇarājī- macro-cosmological structures in the form of black streaks in the space formed by the density of earth bodied being and earth-bodied material aggregates
- kṣaya- elimination of karma
- kṣayikasamyaktva- a type of samyaktva attained through the total destruction of karma responsible for prevention of samyaktva
- kṣetra- a part of the cosmic space which is contained by a substance
- kṣīṇamoha- extirpation of delusion
- kuṭasthanitya- absolutely eternal
- laghu- light
- lakṣana- distinguishing character
- leśyā- psychic color
- loka- cosmos
- lokānta- upper most end of the universe
- loka-parimāṇa- cosmos-pervasive
- lokeṣaṇā- worldly praise
- madhyaloka- middle cosmos
- mahānirjarā- massive elimination of karma
- mahāvrata- five great vows
- manahparyavajñānī- mind-readers
- manogupti- self control of mind
- manusyagati- birth in human realm
- manuṣyaksetra- the region of the cosmos where human inhabitate, a region of two and half continents and two oceans
- mārgaṇā- investigation
- matijñāna- perceptual cognition
- matṛkapada- three maternal statements
- miśra dṛṣṭi - right-cum-perverted belief
- miśrapariṇamana- creation by both
- miśrapariṇati- transformation through both natural and conscious exertion
- mitātmavāda- doctrine that believes in limited number of souls
- mithyādarśanaśalya- impurity or sin caused by perverted world view
- mithyādṛṣṭi- impurity of soul caused by perverted world view
- mohanīya karma- deludedkarma
- mokṣa- liberation
- mūḍhadṛṣti- deluded vision
- mūrchā- attachment, delusion
- mūrta- corporeal substances