For self-study, self-awareness is very important element. Un-awareness is an obstacle to attainment of getting detached. A person, who sleeps mentally will always walk in sleep in life. A person, who is busy indulging his senses, is dormant. A person busy in self-study is always aware and awake. A person with a steadfast mind progresses in every walk of life. A person with a fickle mind is like a bird hopping from twig to twig.
Monk Hemaraj, one of the followers in Terapanth lineage of monks was residing in a shop in the middle of the market. He was accompanied by one of the youngest monk Jitamal. At that time the travelling theatre arrived in town. They started performing in the same area. Everyone young and old started watching the show. Monk Jitama/also very young in age was unperturbed by the show. He kept on doing his writing work.
One of the spectators was a very old man who was not in favor of Terapanth. He thought even for a moment if this small monk sees this show, I would get some matter for saying to people in protest of Terapanth. But the old man couldn't get success to do this. Because the child monk didn't try to look at show even once. The old man told his friends after the show, that after seeing monk Jitamal's concentration at his work, he was sure that Lineage of Terapanthis would live on for the next hundred years.
In Geeta, Lord Krishna tells Arjun that people who do not listen to the heart and its desires, but one continuously takes care of the soul and are content in this act will always go on for centuries, as they denote stability.