- nāmakarma- physique determining karma
- nanātamvādī - believer of poly- souls
- napunsakaliṅgasiddha-emancipated in the outfit of an artificial eunuch
- narakgati- birth in infernal realm
- nāstika- atheism
- nāstitva- non-existence
- naya-non-absolutic view point
- niddhatti- incapacitation of all these processes with exception of augmentation and attenuation
- nihnava- apostasy from Jain doctrines
- nihśankitā- absence of scepsis
- nikācanā- incapacitation of all these processes of Karma states
- nikāya- class of living beings
- nimittaśāstra- science of prognosticationnirīndhanatā- absence of fuel (causes)
- nirjarā- state of shedding off the karma
- nirvāṇa- salvation
- nirvicikitsā- absence of doubt
- niryūhaṇa- drawn out of pūrvas
- niryukti- oldest scholion on canonical work
- niṣadyā- enquiry with modesty
- niścayakāla- transcendental time
- niścayanaya- metempirical stand point.
- niṣkānkṣita- absense of perverse proclivity
- nissaṅgatā- complete detachment
- nityatva- eternality
- nivrtti- abstinence, state of inaction
- nivṛttibādarapassions
- niyatavipākī– certain fruition ofkarma
- niyati- destiny
- no-karma - the state of the material cluster qua karma which ensue when the rise is over
- padas- words
- pañcasamavāya- five factors
- pañcasamiti- five types of comportments
- pañcāstikāya- the five ultimate existents
- pañcendriya- five sensed living being
- pāṇḍulipi- manuscript
- parakāyaśastra- heterogenous weapons
- paramāṇu-doctrines of other than Jains
- paratva- priority
- pariṇāma- to undergo transformation from one state to another one, nature or characteristic of fundamental substance
- pariṇāmīnitya- persistence through-change
- pariṇāmapratyayika -transformation in other forms
- pariṇata- the immobile beings which have been deprived of soul through weapons of one's own kind or of alien kind
- parokṣapramāṇa - indirect valid cognition
- paryāpta- developed, being with the completion of required biopotentials
- paryapti- bio-potentials
- paryāyārthikanaya- standpoint qua mode
- potaja- born out of foetus (born complete)
- pourvāparya- prior and posterior
- prabhāvanā- exaltation
- pradeśa- indivisible and undetached part of substance, points of space, mass of karmic matter
- pradeśodaya- innocuous realization of karmic matter
- prakṛti-primordial element / material force, type/nature of karma
- pramāda- remissness
- pramāna- valid cognition
- pramāṇamimānsā- critique of valid cognition
- pramāṇasamplava- the object known through one pramāna can be known through other pramānas also.
- pramāṇavyavasthā- every pramāna has their own independent object of cognition
- pramattasanyata- self restraint unexempted with remissness
- prāmāṇya- valid
- prameya- object of knowledge
- pratimā- intensive course of spiritual practices
- pratisanlīnatā- seclusion
- pratyākhyāna - abstinence, resolves to abstain from (evil) act
- pratyākhyānāvaraṇa- a sub type of conduct deluding, rise of which obstructs the total abstinence
- pratyayavādī- idealist
- pratyekabuddha- isolately enlightened
- pratyekabuddha siddha - liberated soul which has enlightened isolately
- pratyekaśarīri- individually separate body for each soul
- pravrajyā/diksā- initiation
- pratyakṣapramāṇa - immediate valid cognition
- pravṛtti- non abstinence, activity
- prāyaścitta- atonement
- prayoga- creation by conscious exertion
- prayogapariṇati- transformation through conscious exertion
- prāyogika sṛṣti- creation with conscious exertion
- prāyopāgamana- the third and highest type of fasting unto death
- pudgala- physical substance
- pudgalaparivarta- a macro time unit, a time which lapses in a complete cycle of appropriation of all pudgalas
- pudgalāstikāya- material aggregate
- punarjanma- rebirth
- puṇya- bondage of auspicious karmas
- puruṣaliṅga siddha -emancipated in the outfit of a man
- puruṣārtha- human efforts
- pūrva- prior' or 'before', compiled prior to the compilation of dvādaśāṅgī, canonical text of earlier lore
- pūrvapakṣa - opponents doctrines
- pūrvaprayoga- antecedent impetus
- pṛthaktvānuyoga- the anuyoga, according to which the classification of dravyānuyoga etc. is made; in which it is not compulsory to explain according to the naya system
- pṛthvīkāya- earth bodied beings
- rasaja- born out of fluids
- rasanendriya- gustatory sense organ
- rasaparityāga- abstinence from the delicacies
- ratnatrayī- concept of three jewels viz. right knowledge, right faith, right conduct
- rijuāyatā- straight series in space (b) a kind of epistemological error of knowledge (Jñānamoha)
- ṛjuayataśreni - row of space units through which the motion of soul and physical objects takes place
- ṛjusūtranaya- straight and direct approach, which cognizes the actually present mode
- rucakapradeśa- central space units of the cosmos
- rukṣa- a kind of touch, the quality of dryness, the negative electrical energy of the ultimate atom