- śabdanaya- the verbalistic approach
- sacittamahāskandha- the gigantic aggregate of the karma particles, which is possessed of, by the soul of omniscient being
- saddravya- six substances
- ṣāḍhārmika- co-religionist
- sādhanā- spiritual practices
- sādhāraṇajīva- the infinite number of souls present in a single body
- sādhana- proban, middle term
- sādhya- probandum
- sādi- with beginning
- ṣaḍjivanikāya- six categories of living beings
- sadṛśabandha- homogenous bondage
- sahāvasthāna- simultaneous co-existense
- śaileśīavasthā- state of complete inhibition of the activities of mind, speech and body
- sākāraupayoga- determinate cognitive activity
- śalya- that emotion which acts as a weapon in the interior
- śama- serenity, a characteristic of right faith
- samabhirūdhanaya- etymological non-absolutic view point
- samādhi- concentration of mind
- samaguṇa bondage - equal-point bondage.
- sāmānyaguṇa - generic quality
- samaṣṭi- universalistic aspect
- samatā- equanimity
- samavasaraṇa- the place where tirthankara delivers his sermons, conference of diverse schools of philosophy or world views
- samvara- inhibition of karma
- saṃaya- single time unit
- samāyākṣetra- wherethe time is measured on the basis of the motion of the sun and the moon
- sāmāyika- preliminary initiation
- samjña– instinct
- samlekhanā- scraping penance- a course of penance undertaken for emaciating the body and passions
- sammurcchanaja- born of coagulation (invertebrate)
- sāmparāyikabandha - bondage of karma due to activity with passions
- sāmparāyikakriyā- activity with passions
- samprāptiudaya- scheduled fruition of karma
- sāsvādanasamyag dṛṣṭi - lingering relish of right belief while falling from higher spiritual stage to the lowest
- sāsvādanasamyag dṛṣṭi - the second stage of spiritual development
- samuddeśaka- sub-section
- samudghāta- expansion of soul units outside the body
- samvṛtaanagāra- that ascetic who is equipped with the inhibition of mind, speech and body
- samyag cāritra- right conduct
- samyagdarśana- enlightened world view, right faith
- samyak-mithyā dṛṣṭi - the third stage of spiritual development, a mixture of both right and perversed faith
- saṅghāta- integration
- saṅgrahanaya- collective view point
- sanhanana- bone structure
- sañjvalanakaṣāya- flaming up passions, a sub-type of conductdeluding rise of which obstructs the vitaragata
- sankhyāsthāna- difference in numbers
- sankramaṇa- transference
- sansthāna- configuration, shape of the body
- sanyam- self restraint
- sapradeśa- with unit
- saptabhaṅgī- seven types of expression which categorically use the term syat (in some respect)
- sarāgasanyama- conduct of the ascetic who has passions
- sarvavyāpaka- all pervasive
- śata/śataka- chapter, in the context of bhagavati
- satkāryavāda- doctrine that upholds that effect exists in cause
- ṣaṭsthānapatita- six mathematical measurements which indicate relatively less or more strength of number.
- sattā- existense
- sattā- period of dormancy of karma
- sattvaguṇa- one of the quality of primordial element represents transparency
- satya- truth
- sayogikevalī- omniscience with activity
- shrāvikā- female layfollower
- siddha- liberated soul
- siṇeha- power of attraction between the matter and soul
- śīrsaprahelikā- the largest number that has 194 digits
- skandha- aggregate of units
- snigdha- a kind of touch, positive electrical energy of the ultimate atom
- śoka- sorrow
- sopādhika– defiled
- spardhaka- a sub-division of class of material cluster
- sparśa- touch
- śparsanendriya- tactile sense organ
- śravakācāra- conduct of a laymen
- śreṇī- row of the space units
- śrotendriya- auditory sense organ
- sṛṣtividyā- science of universe
- śruta- verbal knowledge
- śrutajñāna- articulate or verbal knowledge
- śrutakevalī- one who has fathomed the entire lore of the scriptural knowledge
- śrutapuruṣa-metaphoricalcanonical man
- śrutaskandha– border section of the text
- sthānāyatika- yogic postures
- sthāvara- immobile beings
- sthirīkaraṇa- stabilization
- sthitibandha- duration of karmic bondage
- strīliṅga siddha -emancipated in the state of a woman
- śubhaprakṛti- auspicious type of karma
- śubha yoga - auspicious activity of mind, speech and body
- śuddhātma- pure soul
- sūkṣmasamparāya- subtle passion
- sūkṣma- subtle
- sūtra- verses/text
- svabhāva- nature
- svabhāvaparyāya- intrinsic mode
- svādhyāya- scriptural study
- svakāyaśastra- homogenous weapons
- svaliṅga siddha- emancipatedorthodox outfit
- svasamaya- doctrines of the own tradition, Jain doctrines
- sva-smṛti- that power of recollection through which one remembers one's previous birth
- svātaḥ pramāṇa - self-valid
- svayambuddhasiddha- self enlightened liberated souls
- svedaja- born out of sweat
- syādvāda- conditional dialectics
- syāt- in some respect or in particular context
- taijasaśarīra- luminous body
- tamaskāya- a mass of darkness (the form of cosmological structure of very great size) formed by the natural transformation of water bodied beings and material clusters
- tanuvāta- thin air in Jain cosmography, which is liquefied and supported by space
- tapācāra- conduct qua penance
- tapa- penance
- tattva- truth, reality
- tattvamīmānsā- critique of metaphysics
- tejaskāya- fire bodied beings
- tīkā- elaborate commentary on āgamas
- tīrtha- ford
- tīrthaṅkaras- ford founders
- tīrthankarasiddha- emancipated as the founder of the doctrine
- tīrthasiddha- emancipated during the dominance of doctrine
- tiryagpracay- horizontal expansion
- tiryañcagati- birth in sub-human realm
- trasa- mobile being
- trasanāḍī- cylindrical part of the cosmic space located at the centre and is of one rajju in length and breadth and little less than 14rajju in height
- trigupti- three kinds of self control
- trīndriya- three sensed living being
- tripadī- the triplet of origination, cessation and persistence
- udaya- realization of the rise of karma
- udbhija- born by sprouting from the earth
- uddeśaka- section
- udīraṇā- pre-mature realization of karma
- udvartanā- augmentation
- unodarī- semi-fasting i.e. reduction of food
- upādhyāya- ascetic who has insight in the sūtra
- upāsakā/śramaṇopāsaka/śrāvaka-male lay follower of śramana Jain tradition
- upapātaja- A type of birth of where jīva is born spontaneously as a Deva (celestial being) or Nāraka (infernal being)
- upaśamana- subsidence
- upaśāntamoha- subsidence of delusion
- upavrinhana- strengthening of the faith
- upayoga- cognitive activity
- urdhvaloka- upper cosmos
- urdhvapracaya- vertical expansion
- utpāda (uppaṇei) - origination
- utsargasamiti- comportment of disposal of excreta
- uttarapakṣa - (own doctrine)
- vācanā- councils
- vacanagupti- self-control of speech
- vaikriyaśarīra- protean body
- vaiyāvṛtya- service
- vanaspatikāya- vegetation bodied beings
- varṇa- color
- vargaṇā- cluster of atomic particles with similar nature
- vartanā- duration or existence of the substance which depends on time
- vastuvāda- realism
- vātsalya- regard
- vāyukāya- air bodied beings
- veda- sensuality (sexual desire)
- vedanā- experience of pain
- vedanīyakarma- feeling determining karma
- viṣamaguṇabandha- unequal bondage of karma in respect of space units
- vigrahagati- the motion of the jīva after death, in the space with turns when the place of rebirth is not in the same row of the space units
- vikalendriya- the mobile beings possessing two, three and four senses
- vikathā- idle talks or gossiping
- vikṛti- product
- vikṣepaṇīkathā- a type of tale through which the doctrines of Jainism are established
- vimātrarukṣatā- dissimilar proportion of dryness
- vimātrasnigdha- ruksatā-dissimilar in both viscosity and dryness
- vimātrasnigdhatā- dissimilar viscosity
- vinaya- reverence / modest behaviour
- vinayavāda- believers in modesty
- vipākodaya- rise qua fruition, soul realizes the fruition of karma
- viparyaya- misapprehension
- virādhanā- to make a breach of the spiritual practice
- viratāvirata- restrained-cum-unrestrained
- virodhi- contradictory
- vṛtti- commentary
- vṛtti sankṣepa- conditional acceptance of food etc. in conformity with the canonical instruction
- vīryācāra- conduct qua energy, proper exertion of energy for the purpose of gaining knowledge etc.
- visadṛṣabandha- hetegenous bondage
- viseṣa- particular attribute
- visrasābandha- natural structure of the integration of the indivisible unit of the substance
- visrasāpariṇati- natural transformation
- visrasāsrṣṭi - natural creation
- viśreṇi- the row of space units which is not parallel to the main direction namely east etc.
- vīryāntarāya- a subtype of obstructing karmas
- vīrya- that power which is produced from the body
- vītarāga- that ascetic, whose attachment and aversion have been completely subsdued or annihilated
- vitarāgatā- equanimity and conquer over attachment
- vivekapratimā- the pratimā that results in the knowledge of separation of the soul and physical substance
- vyañjanaparyāya- explicit mode
- vyaṣṭi- individualistic
- vyavahāranaya- analytic view point, empirical viewpoint
- vyāvahārikakāla- empirical time in the form of day and night etc. in samāyaksetra
- vyaya- cessation
- vyutsarga - abandonment of body and outfit by giving up attachment to them