02.23 Vāyvantānamekam
Audio: Sanskrit: वाय्वन्तानामेकम् ।
Hindi: वायुकाय तक के जीवों के एक इन्द्रिय होती है ।
02.24 Krmipipilikābh ramarman ushyād ināmekaikavrud-dhāni
Audio: Sanskrit: कृमि-पिपीलिका-भ्रमरमनुष्यादीनामेकैकवृद्धानि ।
Hindi: कृमि(कीड़ा-लट), चींटी, भ्रमर, मनुष्य में क्रम से एक एक इन्द्रिय अधिक होती है ।
02.25 Sanjninah Samanaskāh
Audio: Sanskrit: संज्ञिन: समनस्का:।
Hindi: संज्ञी मन वाले होते है ।
English: Those up to gaseous state are one-sensed beings, those like earth worms, ants, bees and humans have increasingly one additional sense; those with mind are intellectual beings. Depending upon the number of sense organs, living beings are divided in the following five categories.
One-sensed beings:
There are five types of one-sensed beings. Shells, corals, etc. are earthly beings; snow, hail, waves etc. are aqueous beings; fire, lamp, lightening etc. are lustrous beings; wind, tornado etc. are gaseous beings; trees, plants, bushes etc. are vegetable beings. All of them have only the sense of touch.
Two-sensed beings:
Earth worms, leaches etc. have the sense of touch as well as of taste and are therefore termed as two-sensed beings.
Three-sensed beings:
Ants, bugs etc. have the senses of touch, taste as well as odor and are therefore termed as three-sensed beings.
Four-sensed beings:
Flies, bees, mosquitoes etc. have the senses of touch, taste, odor as well as sight and are therefore termed as four-sensed beings.
Five-sensed beings:
All other living beings, including birds, beasts, humans, heavenly and infernal beings, have five senses and are therefore termed as five-sensed beings. Most of them also have the mental capability, which is an intangible sense.