07.21 Mithyopadeshrahasyābhyākhyānkootlekhkriyānyāsāpahārsākārmantrabhedāh
Audio: Sanskrit: मिथ्योपदेशरहस्याभ्याख्यानकूटलेखक्रियान्यसापहारसाकारमंत्रभेदा।
Hindi: मिथ्योपदेश, रहस्याभ्याख्यान, कूटलेखन, न्यासापहार और साकार मंत्रभेद ये पांच दूसरे सत्य व्रत के अतिचार है।
Misrepresenting the facts, misguiding someone by giving wrong information, equivocal talk, etc. constitute wrong instruction. Wrong allegation, creating distrust, causing separation of the loving ones, etc. constitute accusation. False documentation, fake currency, unauthorized seals, infringing the patents etc. constitute forgery. Cheating about the deposited amount or other valuables, undue appropriation, etc. constitute misappropriation. Slandering, backbiting, disclosing someone's secrets, sudden divulgence of shocking details, etc. constitute disclosure of secrets.
English: Wrong instruction, accusation, forgery, misappropriation and disclosure of secrets are the five transgressions of truthfulness, the second restraint.