04.23: Peetpadmashuklaleshyā Dwitrishesheshu
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Sanskrit: | पीतपद्मशुक्ललेश्या द्वित्रिशेषेषु । |
Hindi: | दो, तीन और शेष स्वर्गों में क्रमशः पीत, पद्म और शुक्ल लेश्या वाले देव हैं। |
04.24: Prāg Graiveyakebhyah Kalpāh
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Sanskrit: | प्राग्ग्रैवेयकेभ्यः कल्पाः । |
Hindi: | ग्रैवेयकों से पहले कल्प हैं। |
English: The first two, the next three and the rest have yellow, lotus-red and white aura respectively. The abodes below the level of Graiveyaks constitute Kalpa.The aura of Vaimānik beings in first two realms is yellow; it is lotus-red in third to fifth realms and white in the remaining realms. The realms below Graiveyak level are collectively known as Kalpa in the sense that the hierarchy mentioned earlier prevails in those realms.