09.27 Uttamsanhananasyaikagrachintānīrodho Dhyānam
Audio: Sanskrit: उत्तमसंहननस्यैकाग्रचिंतानिरोधो ध्यानाम्।
Hindi: उत्तम संहनन वालो का एक विषय में अंतःकरण की वृत्ति का स्थापन ध्यान है।
09.28 Āmuhurtāt
Audio: Sanskrit: आमुहूर्तात्।
Hindi: वह ध्यान अन्तर्मुहूर्त तक रहता है।
English: Concentrating on one subject by a person of very strong physique constitutes meditation. That lasts for less than 48 minutes.
Meditation involves concentration. Sutra 27 therefore defines meditation as concentration on one subject. That can be undertaken by those with strong physique. In this connection the sutra particularly specifies two aspects, Sanhanan and Ekāgratā. The former relates to the strength of the body. The meditation may involve adopting tough postures. That cannot be retained long, unless the body is strong to withstand the strain. The latter relates to concentration. The mind being fickle, it continually moves from one subject to another. It has to be concentrated on one subject. It is, however, not possible to retain the concentration very long. Sutra 28 therefore states that the maximum duration of concentration is less than 48 minutes.