(Cow Milking Posture)
In Hindi language Gau means cow. The posture assumed during milking of a cow is therefore called Gauduhasana. India is an agricultural country. Cow rearing is an ancient practice because it is a milch animal and also because cow rearing has religious connotations attached to it. While milking a cow, a very miniscule part of body touches ground. Weight and balance of the whole body is on toes, hence least effect of gravitational force is felt by body. Of five elements that make up body earth element is said to be the most powerful. In other words, it is the element earth that influences body the most.
Spread a mat on floor, step on it and sit down balancing body weight on toes. In this posture knees will be towards floor. Maintain a gap of approximately 6 inches between knees imagining a vessel that has been placed between them for milking a cow. Curl hands into fists keeping thumbs inside and place them on knees.
Practice this asana slowly and steadily.
Effect on Health
While sitting in Gauduhasana, entire weight of body is centered on soles, especially on toes. The mounds on fingers and feet have special importance. All veins come together here is a fact that Acupressure Therapy verifies. To get rid of various ailments in body, Acupressure Therapy applies pressure on fingers or toes. Because of pressure on toes during practice of this asana, all these veins experience the required pressure to remain active and to maintain health and balance of their respective organs. Knee joint is strengthened. Relief is experienced from pain of gout. Pain in the calf muscles also vanishes easily with practice of this asana.
The posture of the Gauduhasana offers a massage to almost all the important glands of the body. As a result the respective veins/ nerves get activated and extend benefits to body.
Other Benefits
Mind of practitioner remains steady and jovial while his nature becomes pure and humble. The Apan Vayu remains pure. Body is completely balanced. The disorders of spine, neck and knees are cured. Emotions become pure and clean and digestive system becomes strong.