Food, Cloth, Shelter, Education and Health Services are the basic needs of human being. Man cannot work without food, clothes protect him from the ravages of climatic conditions, and a home of our own gives a sense of safety and contentment. When these three needs are fulfilled, he requires education. Health services are essential for keeping life healthy. But for those who are struggling for a square of meals, costly health care services do not remain a need.
For the last couple of years we have been noticing a change in man’s preferences. For this change, perhaps, the textile industry of our country is on a declining trend. Clothing was our next basic need just after food, but today it has on eight/ninth position. Once upon a time, just after securing food men rushed for securing adequate clothing. But the novel inventions of science have diminished the value of clothes. This is the reason why other requirements have substituted it.
The saying - भूखे भजन ना होंहि गोपाला (a hungry man cannot sit for prayer) suggests that a hungry man cannot perform. Food is a pre-requisite for all activities, may it be education, business and even entertainment. Like food, clothing is also an essential need In spite of that, it is not that much important to us now-a-days. The lifestyle of today gives much importance to consumer goods like radio-V-, Video, flat, motorcar than it had previously been giving to cloth, education and health services.