Sarvendriya Mudra
Procedure: For doing this Mudra sit either in Padmasan or Swasan or Siddhasan posture. Now close both the ears with your thumbs, close your eyes and place both the Index fingers on your eyelids, close both the nostrils with the middle fingers and place both the ring fingers on the lips. Place both the little fingers below and apply gentle pressure. While performing this Mudra concentrate and establish your Dhyan on the center of the forehead (Between the eyebrows).
While doing this Mudra one can perform Tri-bandh i.e. Jalandhar, Uddiyaan, Moolbandh.
While doing this Mudra keep full confidence and visualize that energy is flowing towards the brain and energy is moving towards Gyan Kendra by passing through Chaitanya Kendra.
- This Mudra helps to make person to get rid of Anger and Anxiety and regain the feeling of peace.
- With the practice of this Mudra one can become introvert. Person's inner consciousness is awakened.
- This Mudra helps in controlling our sensory organs and makes them stable. This way person can concentrate more on the meditation.
- While performing this Mudra one can feel white color on the Jyoti Kendra (in the middle of the forehead).
Pankaj Mudra
Procedure: Make the shape of Lotus with the help of all the fingers. This forms the Pankaj Mudra. In this Mudra both the thumbs and little fingers are touched with each other.
This Mudra helps in balancing both the Water and Fire element in the body.
Person's nature becomes kind and gentle.
It helps to increase one's beauty.
It strengthens the nervous system. Spinal cord becomes healthy.
It provides relief in the fever. It also helps in curing ulcer.