01.16 Bahubahuvidhkshiprānishritasandigdhadhru-vānām Setarānām
Audio: Sanskrit: बहुबहुविधक्षिप्रानिश्रितासन्दिग्धध्रुवाणां सेतराणाम् ।
Hindi: सेतर (प्रतिपक्षसहित) बहु, बहुविध, क्षिप्र, अनिश्रित, असदिग्ध और ध्रुव रूप में अवग्रह, ईहा, अवाय, धारणारूप मतिज्ञान होता है।
English: Sensony knowledge can be of many types or of a few types, be presented in many ways or one way, occur quickly or slowly, be certain or uncertain, be ambiguous or unambiguous and be stable or unstable.Knowledge gained with a higher purity of organs is multiple and complex; it is quick, certain, unambiguous and long lasting. That gained with a lower purity is singular and simple; it īs slow, uncertain, ambiguous and ephemeral.