03.01 Ratnasharkaravālukapankdhoomtamomahāta-mahprabhābhoomayo Ghanāmbuvātākāshpratishthāh Saptādho'dhahprthutarāh
Audio: Sanskrit: रत्नशर्करावालुकापङ्कधूमतमोमहातम:प्रभा भूमयो घनाम्बुवाताकाशप्रतिष्ठा: सप्ताधोsध: पृथुतरा: ।
Hindi: रत्नप्रभा, शर्कराप्रभा, वालुकाप्रभा, पङ्कप्रभा, धूमप्रभा, तम:प्रभा और महातम:प्रभा - ये सात भूमियाँ हैं। ये भूमियाँ घनाम्बु, वात और आकाश पर स्थित है, एक दूसरे के नीचे हैं और नीचे की ओर अधिक-अधिक विस्तीर्ण हैं।
English: There are seven levels lying below one another known as Ratnaprabhā, Sharkarāprabhā, Vālukāprabhā, Pankprabhā, Dhoomprabhā, Tamasprabhā and Mahātamasprabhā. Each lower level has a base wider than the one above it. Each of them floats over a dense ocean, which stays over a layer of air, which in turn rests in the space. They constitute the infernal abodes.This sutra names seven infernal levels as Ratnaprabhā, Sharkarāprabhā, Vālukāprabhā, Pankprabhā, Dhoomprabhā, Tamasprabhā and Mahātamasprabhā. The first level is gem hued, the second is pebble hued, the third is sand hued, the fourth is mud hued, the fifth is smoke hued, the sixth is dark hued and the seventh is pitch-dark hued. They are below one another and the base of each lower level is wider than that of the upper one. Each level floats over a dense ocean, which stays over a layer of air, which in turn rests in the space.