07.23 Parvivāhkaranetvarparigrhitā'parigrhitāgama-nānangkridātivrakāmābhiniveshāh
Audio: Sanskrit: परविवाहकरणेत्वरपरिगृहीतागमना नंगक्रीड़ातीव्रकामाभिनिवेशाः।
Hindi: परविवाहकरण, इत्वर परिगृहीतगमन, अपरिग्रहीतागमन, अनंगक्रीड़ा और तीव्र कामाभिनिवेश ये पांच ब्रह्मचर्य व्रत के अतिचार है।
English: Matchmaking, extramarital sex, premarital sex, lustful play and excessive passion are the five transgressions in remaining faithful to the spouse, the fourth restraint.
Taking undue interest in engagement or wedding of the unrelated people, conducting marriage bureaus, inducing someone to get married and such other activities are covered within matchmaking. Adultery, seduction, raping, prostitution etc. are covered in extramarital sex. Incest, gay life, affair with unmarried persons, child raping and other child abuses are covered in premarital sex. Lewdness, pornography, masturbation, etc. are covered in lustful play and carnality, sensuality, eroticism etc. are covered in excessive passion. All of them need to be avoided.