07.11: Maithunamabrahma
Audio: Sanskrit: मैथुनमब्रह्म ।
Hindi: मैथुन-प्रवृत्ति अब्रह्म है ।
English: Indulgence in sex causes breach of celibacy. This sutra defines sexual indulgence as the breach of celibacy. Such indulgence covers all sorts of sensual pleasure. The term used here is Abrahma. Brahman means soul. Anything, which is not conducive to soul, is therefore Abrahma. As such, every type of sensual pleasure constitutes negation of celibacy. Moreover, the sensuous pleasure needs to be taken in the broader sense of covering ail the activities that are undertaken with sense attachment. Every such activity, whether it pertains to the generating organ or any other sense organ, adversely affects the soul and causes loss of celibacy-
That needs to be averted.