08.06 Panchnavdvayashtāvinshatichaturdwichatvārinshaddwipanchbheda Yathākramam
Audio: Sanskrit: पञ्चनवद्वयष्टाविंशतिचतुर्द्वि चत्वारिंशद्द्विपञ्चभेदा यथाक्रमम्।
Hindi: आठ मूल प्रकृतियो के पांच, नौ, दो, अट्ठाइस, चार, बयालीस, दो तथा पांच भेद क्रमशः होते है।
English: The eight main types are divided into five, nine, two, twenty-eight, four, forty-two, two and five categories respectively.
These eight main types are subdivided into 97 categories as under, viz. Jnānāvaraniya into five categories, Darshanāvaraniya into nine, Vedaniya into two, Mohaniya into twenty-eight, Āushya into four, Nam into forty-two, Gotra into two and Antarāy into five.