04.03 Dashāshtapanchdwādashvikalpāh Kalpopapan-naparyantāh
Audio: Sanskrit: दशाष्टपञ्चद्वादशविकल्पाः कल्पोपपन्नपर्यन्ताः ।
Hindi: कल्पोपपन्न देवों तक चतुर्निकायिक डिवॉन के क्रमशः दस, आठ, पांच और बारह भेद है।
English: Those residing up to /Culpa level are of ten, eight, five and twelve categories. There are ten categories of Bhavanpati type, eight of Vyantar type, five of Jyotishka type and twelve of Vaimanik type up to Kalpa level. The concepts of sun, moon and other astronomical objects pertain to the Jyotishka type.