When we practise dirgha-svasa-preksa, our breathing is complete and scientific, which means that we are tapping the primary source of bio-energy. Perception of breath might appear simple, but it should not be undervalued. It is like pushing the thin end of the wedge, to achieve wider benefits. As our breathing becomes more and more complete, we produce more vital energy; and its perception leads us to its origin. Activating this primary source enables us to obtain unlimited energy. Thus svasa-preksa is a very important means of achieving new and higher stages of consciousness.
Samavrtti-svasa-preksa is also a valuable instrument of developing energy. Psychologists have discovered that higher levels of consciousness can be achieved by samavrtti-svasa-preksa Extra-sensory perception (E.S.P) can be developed by regular practice of samavrtti-svasa-preksa. Many other Para psychological achievements are possible by its practice.