The prime mover or motivating principle of all urges, impulses and habits is the powerful combination of lesya with adhyavasaya. That is why, to change one's perverted habits, it is essential to sanctify this domain by thorough cleansing. Before understanding the process of cleansing, it is necessary to trace the source of pollution and its modus operandi. Once there is adequate knowledge about this, it will be easier to understand and operate the cleansing process.
Basically the trinity of malevolent lesya - krsna, nila and kapota - is the origin of all that is evil. Cruelty, desire to kill, desire to lie, fraud, deceit, cheat, lust, dereliction, laziness etc. - all these vices are produced by this trinity. In the gross body, certain organs are the associates of these lesyas. Adrenals and gonads, these two endocrine glands work in close alliance with this trinity. It is the malevolent trinity of lesyas, which produces the impulsive forces, which, in turn, stimulate its associates in the gross body by appropriate endocrine action, which, ultimately, express itself in the form of the vicious emotions and passions.