Bigotry and malice are not confined to India alone. They are universal problems. The development of character in an individual is not considered complete without the growth of a feeling of harmony for all. As the work of the Anuvrat Movement gained momentum, it spontaneously emerged as a common platform for inter-religious harmony. The organization of various celebrations and activities like nonviolence day, friendship day and interreligious conventions with opportunities for elucidation of one another's principles gave rise to a new era of tolerance. In this context Acharyashree put forward a five-point programme to promote interfaith harmony:
- A policy of supporting and corroborating one's beliefs - one should merly expound one's beliefs. One should refrain from either writing derogatory articles or making vituperative speeches aimed at belittling other faiths.
- One should show tolerance towards others' view points.
- One should not indulge in generating hatred and malice against the followers of other religious sects.
- No one should indulge in unbecoming acts or social boycott against those who convert to other religions.
- Joint campaigns should be launched to persuade people to put universal principles of religion into practice.
In consonance with the spirit of this programme Acharyashree took appropriate steps to change the outlook of the followers of his own sect.
His efforts resulted in the strengthening of interreligious harmony.