Yoga is 'unitive discipline', the kind of discipline that leads to inner and outer union, harmony and joy. In essence, Yoga is conscious living, tapping into one's inner potential for happiness. Yoga is based on philosophy that is practical and for our day-to-day living. Yoga produces desirable physiological changes and has sound scientific basis. True wealth of a nation consists of superior and noble persons it harbours. Popularisation of yoga will spawn a good number of such persons who will be an asset to the society and fit to be called as world citizen.
The book 'Yoga a New Life Style' is a much needed integrative perspective, a clear-eyed look at the yoga mystique. The book is a simple and an illustrative guide to Yoga, written in an easy-to-follow format, making it easy to refer to during practice. This book teaches the practice of yoga through asana and pranayam, leading to spiritual journey towards inner and outer harmony.
In today's era, the body and mind is filled with accumulated stress and negative impressions. For the body, the author explains yoga poses (asana) and for the mind, he describes pranayam which provide emotional and mental balance. It is an important mind body treatment. The first few chapters of the book relate yoga to science followed by unravelling the techniques of different yoga poses in a systematic, simple and exemplified presentation.
Learning how to practice yoga can be intimidating at first for any beginner. But, rest easy, the book will sail you through the arduous journey of learning yoga. This book has been written out of passion for dedicated disciple of yoga. The author, himself a staunch disciplinarian and practitioner of yoga, propagates this knowledge to the modern world for peace and prosperity. Hope the book is an inspiring and essential read, a desideratum for anyone who practices or wants to learn yoga. This book is worthy to be a daily companion.
Kuldeep Jain
CEO, B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd.