Types of Prana
Prana is an energy which cannot be divided, but from understanding of Prana better it is divided into five types. This energy moves around through entire body and performs different functions in separate places. Yogacharyas has named these as under:
1. Prana
The centre of prana is windpipe. Its main function is keeping body active. Inhalation, exhalation, voice box and food pipe are all connected to it.
2. Apana
The centre of apana is below navel. It controls excretion, liver, intestines, stomach, heart and provides them with energy and activeness.
3. Saman
The centre for saman is between navel and heart. It activates secretions in digestive system and pancreas.
4. Udaan
The area above Voice Box is affected by this energy. Eyes, nose, ears and forehead remain active due to this energy.
5. Vyan
This affects all organs of body. Vyan keeps joints, muscles and cells of organs active.
The yoga treatises also talk about Nag, Kurm, Kreekar, Devdutt and Dhananjay as the five sub divisions of Prana. All these have their own functions which include hiccuping, sneezing and yawning etc.