(Cock Posture)
The meaning of kukut in sanskrit is 'cock'. Like other asanas this asana is so named because of body posture assumed. While practicing this asana body takes shape of a cock, hence it's named Kukutasana.
Sit in Padmasana. Insert/Pass right hand through/ between right thigh and calves and left hand through/between left thigh and calves and place them on floor. Spread palms out wide open. Balancing the entire body weight on palms, push body up. Maintaining balance of body, look straight ahead and concentrate in front. Focus on a point in front so that balance can be maintained.
While lifting body up during practice of this asana, inhale deeply. After raising body up, hold breath for a while and while bringing body down exhale slowly. Repeat this process of co-ordinating posture with breath three to four times. Breathe normally when holding posture.
Effect on Health
The effect of Kukutasana is same as that of Hansasana and Bakasana. All benefits of Padmasana are felt by practice of this asana.
Hands become strong and shapely. The acupressure like effect felt because of the pressure on palms activates the entire body. As the secretion of Adrenal Gland remain balanced mind remains peaceful and happy.
Influence on Glandular System
Practice of this asana mainly influences the adrenal gland. As a result impulsiveness and rashness are controlled. Character and emotions become clean and pure. Muscles of hands, shoulders and chest are strengthened. Practice of this asana is of great help in removal of a few disorders of hands, shoulders and chest.