(Forehead Touching Knee Posture)
Paschimotanasana is a developed and detailed form of Janushirshasana. In this asana both legs have to be spread without bending and then front of head has to touch knees. Practitioner along with benefits derived from Janushirasana also enjoys all benefits of Paschimotanasana.
Paschimotanasana (Forehead Touching Knee Posture)
Sit on carpet stretching legs forward placing hands on your knees. Inhaling take both hands up towards sky. While exhaling hold toe with your fingers and let nose touch knee. While breathing raise both hands up.- ring your hands back to position while breathing out.
Initially this asana should be practiced for one to three minutes and after thorough practice, time can be extended for longer time.
Person with spinal problems should not practice this asana.
Effect on Health
As benefits of this asana and Janushirshana are the same, to remember them is as good as shooting two things at a time with same bow and arrow. The impact of this asana is from spine, buttocks, abdomen and thighs to toes. As stretch is experienced in front of spine, it not only remains in balance and strengthened but it also becomes basis of health of complete body. In between vertebras of spine, there exists a liquid element, because of which these vertebras perform function of vibrating and contracting. After whole day of work these vertebras contracts in this liquid element. With practice of this asana, these vertebras get back to their original place.
As enough stretch is experienced at buttock region, accumulated extra fat of this region disappears and obesity reduces. This is very simple and useful asana for people who are suffering from obesity. After buttock region, influence of this asana is on all organs of abdomen. Especially dangerous hurdles of health can be cured through practice of this asana. With practice of this Asana not only functioning of digestive system sets right but it improves hunger also. The complaint of poor digestion and gastric disorders gets cured in no time. More stretch on thighs and knees gives more activeness and strength to muscles. Soul also gets massage and beauty is enhanced and it always maintains good shape of body.
Gonads, adrenal, thyroid, parathyroid and pancreas are mainly influenced with practice of this asana. Impulses, excitement and anger is controlled and hence many advantageous changes takes place to a practitioner. As a result, it becomes a great help in maintaining the upward flow of vital energy and spine also remains flexible. In short, practice of this asana is of great help for physical and mental health.
Other Benefits
Practice of this asana is certainly helpful in removal of obesity as well as the body remains fit and well shaped. Pain in waist region and limbs is removed with practice of this asana. This is an easy and simple yet useful as abdomen gets contracted while practicing this asana. Liver, small intestine, large intestine, pancreas and stomach receive a good massage. Application of Moolbandha along with practice of this asana, deformities in urinary track, shukra nadi and undkosh gets cured. This asana is of a great help to get rid of deformities like quick discharge and Spermatorrhoea (swapanadosh).
The benefit of this asana is proved in gastric disorders, constipation, diabetes and joint pains. It is also helpful in controlling diseases like appendicitis, pandurog, krumivikar and ajirna.