Bhagvan Mahavira mentioned 12 types of penances. One of them is kayaklesha, which literally means kayasiddhi. As far as kayasiddhi is concerned, asanas or yogic postures are unavoidable.
Gorakhnath is said to have developed the asanas to the ultimate extent. But Mahavira was born before Gorakhnath. However, Mahavira has described those asanas in details. He not only described those asanas, he also practised them. One of his sutras is: “There are five postures which have been described glorified, prescribed and adapted for the sramana-nirgrantha (Monk who is free from fetters).”
They are:
Sthanayatika | steady posture |
Utkatukasanika | squatting posture |
Pratimastahayi | statue-like posture |
Veerasanika | Heroin posture |
Naishadyika | the same posture all through the night |