Unit 7. Anatomy
Human body is world's UNIQUE machine
Do not ignore body, as it is the very instrument of liberation. The maintenance of health is expected from all. The one who follows the philosophy of detached actions unmindful of results (Karmayogi) always maintains health of his body.
He does not even ignore for a moment and remains occupied in the meditation.
Principle Content
- Anatomy of different systems of human body and their functions
- The difference and relation in physiology and spirituality.
- Inter relationship between physiology, Spirituality and Science of Living.
Practice and Activities
- Preparing the charts and models of different systems and organs to represent their anatomy.
- The practice according to science of living for the mental and emotional transformations.
- Gamanyoga. (Walking with awareness)
- The practise of breathing performing Asanas etc. to upkeep the anatomy.
- Remedies and precautions for diseases.
Learning Outcomes
- Proper use of the organs of body as per the knowledge of their functions.
- Understanding the role of Science of Living in balancing mental and emotional transformations.
- Ability to decide the balanced diet and plan good daily routine.
- Awareness for healthy living.
Unit 8. Physical Health
"The Proper daily routine with right food up-keeps health, so learn through science of health."
Disease cannot trouble till old age- Be conscious about the health.
Good deeds can be performed only when the senses are healthy.
Daily wake up early in the morning, life has to be regulated scientifically and spiritually. Walk (gamanyoga) in the fresh air and get rid of excess weight.
Principle Content
- Resolve for healthy body, thereafter understand the relation amongst the intellectual health, mental health and emotional health.
- Daily routine and restraint lifestyle.
- To understand physical systems with regard to the health.
Practice and Activities
- Resolute to be healthy and strong
- Walk before sunrise, practise of deep breathing, Asana-pranayama, Sunbath and Kayotsarg
- Adopt silence during eating food, fasting, and practise austerity in meal.
- To co-operate in maintaining system for pure water and fresh food.
- Resolute for balanced food for restraint life.
- Perform Asanas to gain strong immune system.
- Practise of yognidra.
Learning Outcomes
- Development of good habits agreeable to health.
- To move towards the attitude of sacrifice and be restraint.
- To move towards disciplined life - control over desires.
- Awakening of the attitude of environmental safety.