- Sit in Padmasana.
- Close the fest of both the hands and place them at naval. Inhale.
- While inhaling bend forward, and touch the ground with the head.
- Get back to the normal position while inhaling.
- The spinal cord becomes flexible.
- It reduces the abdominal fat.
- Anger subsides.
- It activates the pancreas. It is beneficial in diabetes.
- Sit with the legs stretched in front of the body.
- Fold the right foot under the left thigh and the left foot under the right thigh.
- Keep the back and neck straight.
- Inhale and exhale deeply and normally.
- It develops strength.
- Control over psychic evaluation, Purity in seminal fluid and freedom from craving is achieved.
- It strengthens spinal cord (sushumna).
- Sit and spread both the legs in front.
- Fold the right leg and place the heel under the right hip. Fold the left leg and place the left heel under the left hip.
- Both the big toes should touch each other; the heels should be in an upright position facing the sky.
- Place the palms on the knees. Keep the spine and neck straight.
- It cures different abdominal ailments.
- Spinal cord becomes healthy.
- Memory develops.
- Advantageous in constipation, indigestion and diabetes.