Chandrabhedi Pranayama
Sit properly in Meditative posture.
First Type:
Close the right nostril. Inhale and Exhale slowly , with the left nostrilSecond Type:
Inhale with the left nostril and exhale with the right nostril.Benefits
- Temperature of the body comes normal
- Anger Subsides
Suryabhedi Pranayama
Sit properly in Meditation posture
First Type:
Close the left nostril. Inhale and Exhale slowly with the right nostril.Second Type:
Inhale with the right nostril and exhale with the right nostril, exhale with the left nostril.
- Energies the body.
- It is useful in cold,cough and asthama
Anulom-vilom pranayam
Sit properly in Meditation posture.
Place the right thumb at right nostril, index finger in between the eyebrows, and the middle finger at the left nostril, inhale with the left nostril and exhale with the right nostril then inhale with the right nostril and exhale with the left nostril.Benefits
- The mental equilibrium increases.
- The flow of vital energy gets balanced,
- Brings interest in meditation,
- Purifies the emotions
Note: While practicing Anulom-vilom pranayama the season should be kept in the mind. During the summer, begin with left nostril and during the winter, begin with right nostril.