Anger is a complex emotion. Even believing it to be bad intellectually, a person gets influenced by it. Family disturbances increase due to it. The social and personal development is also distracted.
External Reasons
- Eating food without proper chewing.
- Irregularity in food habits.
- Nerve weakness.
- Short breathing.
Mental Reasons
- Insisting for right and wrong.
- Imbalanced thinking.
Emotional Reasons
- Ego.
- Living pattern and behavior based on imbalanced thinking.
Effects of anger on physique -
- Face turning reddish.
- Greater heart beat.
- Breathing rate turning faster.
Effects on mind or brain
- In-equilibrium in brain activity.
- Mental occupancy.
- Negative thoughts.
Effects on emotions
- Increase in Ego.
- Unhealthy endocrine system.
Effects on society and family
- Mutual conflict.
- Lack of the feeling of friendship.
Effects on national level
- Creation of peace-less atmosphere.
- Increase in immorality.
- Enhancing police-role.
Solution for the reasons of anger
- Restrained food habits - Discarding fried items, spicy items, and toxic material from the diet list and to consume the balanced and easy digestible food with proper chewing and timely intake.
- Practice of Shashankasana for 1 to 3 min.
- Practice of restraint language - practise of silence, practise of not replying anybody at once but after thinking on to it.
- Practice of perception of deep breathing - to perceive each incoming and out going breath. Regulate the speed of the breath, feel the breath, continuously perceiving whether it is through the left nostril or through the right nostril.
- Meditation on Jyoti Kendra or at the center of forehead with bright white colour. Have the feeling that the anger is pacifying, passions and emotions are pacifying - time 3 to 5 min.
- Kayotsarg - before going to the bed resolute for yognidra. Sleep after relaxing the body and with the feeling of peace in the mind- time 3 to 5 min.
- Contemplation - Give suggestion to the brain folding the tongue and touching it to the pal let (khaichari mudra) that, "I will be tolerant in every circumstances".(time 5 min.)