Ardha Matsyendra Asana
- Sit on the carpet and spread both the legs in front of you keeping both foot together. Lift the left leg, bend it at the knee and bring it down so that the heel touches the anus.
- Now bend the right leg and take it to the left side around the left knee. Place the right foot by the side of left knee on the floor
- Bring the left hand around the right knee and with it catch hold of the right foot.
- Try to place the right hand on the left by taking it from the backside. Turn the neck and waist slowly to the left towards backside maintaining the shoulder and spine in an erect position. Straighten the hand, and then straighten the legs too. (Repeat the same with the other leg).
- It cures diabetes.
- It reduces the abdominal fat.
- The waist and spine becomes flexible.
- Balances the glandular secretion
- Sit in Vajrasana with the knees apart. Place both the palms in between the knees with fingers pointing towards the body.
- Lean forward, resting the body on the straight arms Inhale and tilt the head backward open the mouth and extend the tongue as much as possible
- Open the eyes wide and gaze at the eyebrow center. Now roar like lion.
- Take the tongue back inside and inhale. Get back to , the initial position
- It cures tonsils and all the diseases of throat
- The problems of eyes and mouth get cured
- The pronunciation improves for the people who stutter
- activates the body and strengthens the chest