Jeevan Vigyan - A Guide Of Teachers Training: 08.2 ►Contemplation of Tolerance

Published: 04.07.2021

There are four elements for tolerance to enter the life in place of intolerance. They are (1) Change in one's outlook, means respect towards the tolerance. (2) Recalling of tolerance and its repeated practise. (3) Search for the remedies for waning of the anger and their practise. (4) Practice of kindness in the behavior.

The process is as follows:

  1. Mahaprandhavani                                                    2 Minutes

  2. Kayotsarg                                                               5 Minutes

  3. Breath blue colour. Experience that the atoms of blue colour are all around you. These blue atoms with your every breath are entering within your body. Practise blue-coloured meditation on the Center of Purity.                           5 Minutes

  4. Focus your psyche on the Center of Enlightenment and contemplate- The emotion of toleration is developing. Mental equilibrium is increasing. Recite these sentences 9 times.
    Then meditate it for 9 times.                                     5 Minutes

  5. Recall-

    Physical sensation - the loving and non loving within the body. Weather induced sensation - because of season - cold - hot - sultry.

    Mental sensation - in the mind. Impartial in the thoughts of pleasure-pain, loving-non loving.Favorable- unfavorable-in the body, mind and emotion.

    Emotional sensation - Contradictory thought, Contra­dictory nature, Contradictory interest, These all feelings influence me but I want to reduce their influence. If these feelings will increase; the powers will worn away. The less I will be influenced by them the more increased will be power in me. That's why the development of tolerance is top secret of success for my life.  10 Minutes.

  6. Complete the practise with Mahaprandhavani. 2 Minutes.

Title: Jeevan Vigyan - A guide Of Teachers Training
Muni Kishanlal, Subhkaran Surana
Publisher: Jain Vishwa Bharti, Ladnun
Digital Publishing: Ratna Jain

Page glossary
Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
  1. Anger
  2. Body
  3. Center of Enlightenment
  4. Center of Purity
  5. Meditation
  6. Tolerance
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