By the way of conclusion it can be stated that the medical treatments give more importance to the external causes. Even while diagnosing the disease, the external causes are taken into consideration. Any system of diagnosis and treatment would be incomplete so long as the internal causes, the karmas are not taken into account. It is necessary to develop many other systems of treatment of diseases in addition to those prevalent today.
It is possible to give emotional treatment also. Emotional treatment, along with the use of medicines, becomes effective. Along with the medicines, if the feelings of friendliness and compassion are allowed to operate, the effectiveness of the medicines would increase. If the illness is the result of any cruelty, the feeling of cruelty is purified if the feeling of friendship with everyone is encouraged. This leads to the elimination of the illness.
If the external treatment does not cure the disease, then the internal treatment should be given. A new system would come into vogue and it would be the correct treatment. If the feelings of friendship, joy and compassion can be aroused in the patient, if his mind could be made more cheerful, if the feelings of anger, conceit, greed, delusion, hatred, jealousy, etc. can he purified, then a method of spiritual treatment would emerge and that system would be based on the karma doctrine (karmavada).