If we can recognize the thief and the rich man hidden within ourselves and if we could send the thief to sleep and alert the rich man, the significance of anekanta will be in our conduct. That is why we are practising meditation. Without meditation the path of anekanta will not be clear. We are practising meditation so that the modes which are unmanifest, and the rich man who is asleep, may be made manifest, and the rich man who is asleep, may be awakened, so that what we consider to be primary now is relegated to the background, and what we look upon as secondary, is brought to the fore. He, who is occupying the chair, will be seated on the ground, and he who is sitting on the ground, ensconced in the chair.
Today it seems very necessary to introduce among the teaching community a combination of meditation and the science of living. Only thus can they be equipped to stimulate new thinking. Shri A.K. Bhatnagar, Commissioner of Education, Rajasthan recently visited Bangkok. He told us that the government there was thinking of providing extensive facilities for meditation for its employees. All the countries seem to be concerned as to how to bring about a change in the conduct and behaviour of man. Shri Bhatnagar was greatly pleased to see the teachers taking part in the meditation camp and he recognized that it was an urgent necessity. For freedom from various kinds of cares afflicting the individual, the society, the country and the nation, it is necessary to develop a new thinking, and a new philosophy. New thought and a new vision, meditation and action-all these can be linked together, which means a fusion of academic knowledge with the science of living.