Abstract Thinking: [21.07] - Anupreksha Of Synthesis - Anekanta Is A Philosophy Of Life

Published: 08.05.2007
Updated: 06.08.2008

Nothing exists in isolation. All is related. Wholly divided or wholly integrated, wholly opposed or wholly unopposed, thoroughly one's own or thoroughly alien - these are different modes, not reality. If we wish to live with the real, the factual, we must develop in our life and conduct the vision of anekanta.

Our greatest mistake has been that we have taken anekanta to be phenomenal. We have taken it for granted that anekant is useful in the exposition of truth, analysis of phenomena. This is an illusory belief. An exposition, which is not related to life, has but little relationship with truth. After all, life too is a reality, a truth. It is a great truth. All expositions originate there from. All the doctrines, concepts come out of it. There can be no exposition of a fact or reality, in isolation from life. A truth unrelated to life, can have no relationship with anything else. "As is the body, so is the universe." He, who gave this aphorism to the world, uttered an important truth. There is as much reality in the universe as is there in the body. The body contains all that the universe contains.

Our life is most wonderful and even more wonderful is our body. There is hidden in the body infinite truth. To a gross vision it appears: "These are the feet and these are the eyes." But are these in reality two entirely separate things? If it were really so, the dictum of the ayurvedic masters would be proved false. But the identity of eyes and feet is not far from reality. There are eyes in the face and in the feet as well. The pituitary gland, located in the middle of the eyebrows, extends to the toes as well, all the glands or other ingredients that are found in the upper part of the body, have a corresponding presence in the feet below. All this is corroborated by modern science. The whole body is one, unitary whole. It is on the basis of this theory that the acupuncture and acupressure therapies have developed. There are to be found concordant limbs all over the body. The feet ache. Apply pressure to the spinal cord; the pain would disappear. Similarly, by pressing the toes,the headache is relieved. There is a technique of pressing, which one must learn.
  • Abstract Thinking
    by Acharya Mahaprajna, © 1988
  • Edited by  Muni Dulheraj
  • Translated by Muni Mahendra Kumar
  • Published by Jain Vishva Barati
  • Edition 1999 compiled by Samani Stith Pragya

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  1. Anekant
  2. Anekanta
  3. Ayurvedic
  4. Body
  5. Pituitary Gland
  6. Science
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