Organization has power. A weak person may do remarkable job through organization. We cannot clap by one hand only. We can clap only by joining the two hands. One piece of thing is negligible. So many pieces, being amalgamated, may do reformative functions. Anybody may break a wood, but a bundle of several woods cannot be broken. By culminating the circles of such type, perhaps organization or collective’s life would have started. There may be so many purposes for attachment with the organization. Some persons are inspired by the feeling of rendering service. Some people want to project themselves on the profile of society. Some persons have the motive to secure themselves from insecurity. Some persons organize themselves to get their thought agreed by all. Some people build organization with some holy purpose. Those people, who have the aim for high achievement, do not mutualise the organization. But those people, who are motivated by self-interest or clustered by ambitions, use their organization as weapon. If terrorism and other organizations of criminals are once alienated, we have to agree on the fact that the organization is achieving social and national recognition today. When persons of any of the sections like labourers, doctors, teachers, police, employers etc. are adamant to get their point agreed by forming unions. Many a time big powers have to bow down before them. When the entire union goes on strike, it is a direct blow to the national interest. I do not accord my consent to this process. Still I am talking about organization. It is because organized power should be utilized to eradicate evils, systematize the entire plan and arrangement. Today the clutch of evil things, swallowing the public life, is tightening. Each one of the evils is hollowing the life alike worm- eaten wood (धुन). Human values are splittering. Men are proned to violence. The fountain of kindness in human heart is drying up. In the name of casteism and communalism, one ‘man is detached with another man. Whether solution of this situation is not possible? If, possible casteism why effective efforts are not being made in this direction? I firmly believe that if some loyal persons get themselves organized with the resolution to safeguard and stabilize human values, they may be an example in the tradition of organizations. That organization, keeping own self devoid of personal self-feeling, should think about human interest, check the deterioration of personal and national character and with the flaming torch of morality in hand, should guide the people roaming in the darkness of: immorality and characterlessness. If any organization associates with this work and stand in protest against the evils with inner boldness, certainly a revolutionary achievement can be witnessed.